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A Typical Day at Doggie Day Care in Marysville, WA

If you've ever considered dog day care in Marysville, WA, for your furry friend, you've probably wondered what a typical day would be like. According to Pet Place, the priorities on every dog's list are play and sleep, with food and water coming in close behind. Every doggie day care is different, providing scheduled time for play, rest, eating, and personalized attention. The best dog daycares in Marysville, WA, make it a priority to make their canine clients feel at home. When your best friend enjoys going to day care, you can feel comfortable dropping her off in the morning with no worries, and look forward to a tail-wagging reunion at the end of the day.

First Thing

Some dog day cares keep hours to accommodate all types of schedules during the week. As early as 6 a.m., dogs start arriving for the day. While they may have access to the outside play yard immediately, many day cares have the dogs wait in a comfortable indoor area until everyone is checked in. By 9 a.m., everyone splits off into smaller play groups to spend a few hours playing with their canine and human friends. The staff isn't just on site for supervision and breaking up the occasional tussle. They also enjoy tossing toys for rousing games of fetch or providing an opposing side on a length of rope for tug-of-war.

Midday Break

After a busy morning of play, midday is a good time to take a break to rest and have a snack. Your dog day care in Marysville, WA, will serve the food you've provided, then give her a chance to rest and digest. Fresh water is typically available in plentiful supply at all times, both indoors and outside. The middle of the day break should last at least a couple of hours to give everyone a chance to eat and have some quiet time before hitting the play yard again. Even so, many dog day cares don't force their clients to stay inside the entire time. Some pooches might prefer to rest in the shade of a tree outdoors, while others may choose the air-conditioned comfort of a cushion indoors. Giving dogs the option to decide for themselves is a feature that pet parents and their canine kids both appreciate.

Afternoons at Doggie Day Care in Marysville, WA

Depending on when the midday break starts, most dogs in day care are ready for more play by 2:30 or 3 p.m. Dogs can choose whether they want to stay indoors to play or head outside with their friends. Wherever they choose to spend their afternoon hours, staff is on hand to interact and recreate. After several hours of fun and games in the morning, afternoon play sessions tend to be a little less intense, but they offer an opportunity to exercise and expend energy to prevent destructive behaviors at home.

Rounding Out the Day

When you pick up your pooch from dog day care, you want her to be happy to see you, but not all wound up. That's why in the late afternoon, things start winding down at dog day cares in Marysville, WA, and the pace of play is slowed significantly in preparation for dog parents to arrive. Of course, your dog will get all the affection she wants any time of day, but late afternoon is the perfect time for belly rubs and pets. The Huffington Post says that dogs thrive on routine, and that includes meals. Since some dogs don't go home until later in the evening, they may be served dinner to keep them on schedule and as part of the winding down process.

If your dog would enjoy spending her days playing, napping, and noshing in the company of other canines as well as caring, expert staff, she'll love coming to Pampered Pets Resort. We'll give her the attention she needs along with plenty of playtime in a comfortable environment. Drop-ins are welcome, but feel free to call to schedule a reservation. 360-653-6145

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Monday - Friday

6:00 AM - 7:00 PM

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9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

4218 136th St. NE

Marysville, WA 98271


Phone:  360-653-6145

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