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Will My Dog Like Daycare in Marysville, WA?

Pet parents who are new to the concept of daycare for dogs might hesitate to enroll their canine child because they wonder if he will like attending dog daycare in Marysville, WA. It's a legitimate concern because some dogs are predisposed more than others to enjoy the unique environment of a pet daycare. You know your pooch better than anyone, so it is up to you to consider what type of personality he has when determining whether or not your dog will like daycare.

Daycare Kind of Dogs

Just like some people are social butterflies, some dogs really enjoy being around other canines, and those types of dogs like daycare in Marysville, WA. According to VetStreet, if your dog needs a lot of exercise and is playful and outgoing, he is just the sort of dog who will benefit the most from attending doggie daycare. Dogs who have never met a stranger--four-legged or otherwise--and have a ton of energy that needs to be expended every day love going to daycare because they get to spend the day playing with dog and human friends, lounging in a favorite spot, and, at the end of it all, they get to go home with their favorite human.

The Shy, Unsociable Types

Not all dogs automatically take to the daycare lifestyle. Professional dog trainer Robin Bennett reminds pet parents that their canine kids have individual personalities. Off-leash play and enjoying the company of other pooches isn't every dog's cup of kibble, and that's OK. Some dogs do better one-on-one with a human companion and are happy to wait at home to greet you at the end of the day. Additionally, some dogs weren't socialized sufficiently or simply don't have the personality to tolerate other dogs well, so it's not in anyone's best interest to try to force daycare on them.

Give Him a Trial Run

If you think your furry friend might enjoy dog daycare in Marysville, WA, but you aren't sure, schedule a trial day for him. That's actually a good idea even if he seems to have the perfect personality for daycare. Giving your dog a chance to check the place out will also give you a chance to see how he does with other dogs as well as whether he seems to be enjoying himself or if he acts as if he can't wait to go home. Mother Nature Network points out that reputable dog daycare facilities typically offer an evaluation session to assess new clients' temperaments around unfamiliar dogs and people. These evaluations are invaluable, especially for those borderline pooches who may or may not be good candidates for doggie daycare, as the professionals at the facility can look at the dogs in the daycare environment with an unbiased eye and give an impartial opinion about whether they are a good fit for dog daycare. Plus, you can see for yourself whether your pooch enjoys himself or not.

If you're wondering, "Will my dog like daycare in Marysville, WA?" Pampered Pets Resort can help answer the question. We offer first-time guests a free day for mutual evaluations so we can determine whether dogs have the temperament for daycare and what playgroups they would fit into best. It also gives you and your best friend the opportunity to see if it's something he'll enjoy. Don't spend any more time wondering. Give us a call at 360-653-6145 and schedule a day to find out if your dog will like daycare.

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